We did some letterboxing (treasure hunting). Along the trails we spotted some abandoned fairy houses and came upon a troll bridge. The troll almost got Heidi at the bridge.
Cate found the dollar bill the troll had left in a cave as bait but she managed to escape without being caught.
We found the tree that Peter Pan uses to get into his hidden cave.
The kids collected feathers, chestnuts and rocks to make a fairy house back at camp. They had a great time painting rocks and pictures to lure the fairies to our house.
We saw lots of walking stick bugs, spiders, rolly pollies, caterpillars (calerpitters as Reed says) and grubs. A good time was had by all and it was really hard to pack up and head home.
You guys are so creative! I want to be one of your kids!
You had great weather for camping!
I wish we had known you were at Cedars of Lebanon. We would have stopped by and hiked with you. We went apple picking in Lebanon and thought about stopping by C of L.
Reed looks like he's having a great time in that last picture! We missed you guys yesterday.
I'm with Traci!
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