Monday, October 25, 2010

Sending Kids Jr.

This past Saturday we had an opportunity to serve our community as a family alongside others from our church.  I was so excited to have this hands-on way to teach our kids about serving God by helping others.  We didn't know what our assignment would be but was excited to learn that we would be working on a project at Cate and Reed's school.  There was a garden that was WAY overgrown with some evil bush that didn't want to give it up.  The kids and adults all worked their socks off (and it's catching up with me today).  I was so proud of the kids.  We cleared the bushes out, tilled the garden and planted a mums.  Other teams worked all over our community on different projects that day. The best thing was that we all did it as a family.

Kimberly's first community service project.

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